Talking through your issues costs Nothing! However, it's also very useful knowing how to communicate with an irrational person. I know how frustrating it can be to try to explain something to someone who just doesn’t want to listen to your arguments and who only cares about their side of the story. Well, even if in this situation you are tempted to just leave and to just let them think they are right, sometimes you just can’t do that because you have a certain responsibility and you need to behave in a different way. With a bit of work, you can manage to learn how to defuse someone’s anger and help them reach a more rational frame of mind. Here are a few very useful tips on how to communicate with an irrational person that will help you calm a situation down:
One of the most helpful tips on how to communicate with an irrational person is to try to remain calm and to avoid getting all worked up, no matter how hard. Just take a deep breath, think of something that will make you feel good, that will help you calm down and that will help you see things from a different perspective. If you respond with anger, they will think that their anger is justified. This will only make them feel even angrier and the entire situation might escalate. Learn how to control your temper and remember that your goal is to make them feel calm as well, so you’ll be able to reason with them.
Before making any decision, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see things from their perspective. Maybe they are just frustrated because they are having a bad day or they are just going to a rough time and they can’t see things clearly. Allow them to explain themselves and once they finish, try to present them your point of view.
Another very important thing you should do if you are trying to reason with someone is to make sure you know what you are talking about. Ensure you're right - check all the facts and then, when you are sure you know what you are talking about, present your argument. Make sure you are not using faulty information to prove your point and that your position is well thought out, well documented and that you’ve done your research.
When you are dealing with someone who is being irrational, try to set some clear boundaries or limits, so to let them know what behavior you think is acceptable and what actions you can’t tolerate. Just tell them what you are not willing to put up with and remain calm. Make your conditions clear and ask them to respect your boundaries, since you will do the same with theirs.
Sometimes you just have to realize that there’s no winning and that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get through to a person. There are a lot of irrational and angry people who just need to vent, so try to remain calm, let them say what they want to say, so they can get it out of their system, try to endure their fury and then, maybe they will be more reasonable and they will listen to your arguments.
It’s not always easy to reason with someone who behaves in an irrational way. You need to have a lot of patience and you need to remain calm, no matter how angry they get. You wouldn’t want to make things worse, so try to keep your cool and look for different ways to reason with them. How do you communicate with an irrational person? Do you have any other tips you could give us on this matter? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!
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